Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Gift of Contemplative Prayer

Daily Meditation -  Jan 16, 2010 

Question of the Day:  What is God trying to teach me through what is,  right here, right now?

 Simone Weil said, “It is grace that forms the void inside of us and it is also grace that fills that same void.

Without grace we will not enter into the void, and without grace the void will not be filled. All we can do is try to keep our hands cupped and open and ask God to teach us how to keep our hands cupped and open. The events and experiences of life teach us how.

Great religion seeks utter awareness and full consciousness, so that we can, in fact, receive all, even the sadness and tragedy of the world.

Everything belongs and everything can be received. We don’t have to deny, dismiss, defy, or ignore anything.

What is, is somehow, on some level, okay. What is, is always the great teacher. From that initial surrender, you will find what you can and should do to change things. You have to say yes before you say no. Sounds like a big paradox, doesn’t it? It is.

Adapted from Everything Belongs, pp. 46, 53, 54-55
by Fr. Richard Rohr
Center For Action and Contemplative Prayer

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