Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Too often we think of ourselves as righteous and our duty, our calling to wag a finger at others...it's often done from a position of fear (not fulfilling our duty or calling) or from lack of faith...God just doesn't quite get it or know what He's doing.  It is He that touches the heart and turns it whichever way.  We are called to love.  Love does not include wagging a finger and making judgments. In fact, it imprisions us if we don't love freely and with unreasonableness.  Is it easy...no, not until I practice it into a habit.  FG
(I think the "Path of Descent" is a great example)             

The second temptation of Jesus is another one that all of us must face. Satan takes Jesus up to the pinnacle of the Temple, symbolizing the top of the religious world itself, and tells him to play “righteousness games” with God. “Throw yourself off and he’ll catch you” (Matthew 4:6). It’s the only time in the Bible where the devil quotes Scripture. Holy words can be used for evil purposes, it surely says. This second temptation is to think of yourself as saved, superior to others, the moral elite on the side of God and religion, and to quote arguable Scriptures for your own purpose—being against God in the name of God. Actually it is quite common.

As Mother Teresa loved to say, “We were not created to be successful [even spiritually successful!], but to be obedient.” True obedience to God won’t always make us look or feel right (that is why it takes faith!), so be careful before you stand on the pinnacle of any Temple, Scripture, or Sacrament. It is the common temptation of actually loving ourselves under the guise of loving God.

From Radical Grace: Daily Meditations, p. 295, day 309

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Twitter Resets User Passwords in Wake of Phishing Attack

Sarah Jacobsson, PCWorld  Early Tuesday, Twitter says it had to reset the passwords of a small number of accounts compromised in an external phishing attack.

Feb 2, 2010 5:54 pm
"As part of Twitter's ongoing security efforts, we reset passwords for a small number of accounts that we believe may have been compromised offsite," Twitter wrote in a prepared statement.

Twitter said it took the security action because of a "combination of multiple bad acts." One, it believes, is accounts being compromised by Twitter users signing up for what it described as "get followers fast schemes" luring people to a non-Twitter site. A Twitter spokesperson also said it suspects this third-party site "could have allowed hackers to gain access to email addresses and passwords. Those Twitter users who use the same email addresses and passwords could be affected."
According to Twitter at least one account was compromised by a phisher. In that instance Twitter updates were sent out without the account owners knowledge, Twitter said. "While we're still investigating and ensuring that the appropriate parties are notified, we do believe that the steps we've taken should ensure user safety," Twitter says.

Twitter is no stranger to account hijacking. On Jan. 5, 2009, 33 prominent Twitterers (including Barack Obama and Britney Spears) had their accounts hacked by an individual. The hacker reportedly hacked the Twitter support tools (the tools Twitter uses to help users reset emails and passwords) and reset the passwords of the compromised accounts. In response to the attack, Twitter immediately shut down the support tools and restored the accounts to their rightful owners.

On May 21, 2009, Twitter was hit by a phishing attack in which phishers created fake Twitter accounts and began following legitimate Twitter users. The Twitter users received email notifications of their new followers, with a link that lead them to a fake Twitter site where they were prompted to enter their usernames and passwords.

Twitter isn't alone grappling with phishing attacks. Recently Facebook joined forces with McAfee to offer it users free antivirus software and increased protection from third-party phishing attacks.

Since phishing attacks usually occur when people click on rogue links in emails (without checking to ensure that the emails are from who they say they're from), there's not much Twitter could have done to prevent the attack. However, security breaches like this one are unlikely to help Twitter's falling growth rate.  PC World

Monday, February 1, 2010


Question of the Day:

Where and when is transformation possible?

How different Jesus’ Kingdom of God is from our later notion of salvation, which pushed the entire issue into the future and largely became a reward and punishment system. How different from Jesus’ “the Kingdom of Heaven is in your midst” (Luke 17:21) or Paul’s “now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Healthy religion is always about seeing and knowing something now, which demands a transformation of consciousness on my part today, not moral gymnastics or heroic willpower to earn a prize later.

From The Naked Now, pp. 101  The Naked Now book

Mantra:  The kingdom of God is in your midst.